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United Way of Whatcom County President/CEO Kristi Birkeland and Director of Development and Community Impact Patty Boyce sat down with Guy Occhiogrosso of the Bellingham Regional Chamber of Commerce for a discussion about ALICE in our community.
ALICE stands for Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed, and refers to the growing number of households who earn more than the Federal Poverty Level, but less than what it takes to afford the basics here in Whatcom County. Factors like the rising cost of living, unsafe or unstable housing, lack of childcare, and inflation (to name of few) create barriers for ALICE households, making it difficult for them to get by and almost impossible to save. These households find themselves having to make incredibly tough decisions, like choosing between putting food on the table or filling a prescription, getting the car fixed or paying the electricity bill. Often, these folks are working more than one job, trying desperately to provide for themselves and their families, but still falling behind. For these families, one unexpected expense can mean financial ruin. According to the latest ALICE report, 38% of Whatcom County households struggle to make ends meet.
Click here to learn more about ALICE in Whatcom County.
At United Way of Whatcom County, our goal is to remove barriers and open doors for our friends who are experiencing financial hardship. The ALICE Report helps give us a deeper understanding of the need facing our community, and how we can address that need.
Gifts to United Way of Whatcom County help support a collaborative network of over 20 local nonprofit agencies, all providing critical services throughout our community. By helping folks meet basic needs, improve their economic mobility, and break the cycle of poverty, we are helping to empower ALICE to rise from struggle to stability.
Want to support this work? Click here!
To learn more about ALICE, click here.